Interior and Editorial Prop Styling


Visual Resolutions

Christmas, New Year's, winter break and my birthday have all come and gone and my house and work have returned to something that resembles a routine. I have to say, I was sad to see 2013 was a very good year all in all.

Instead of writing out a list of resolutions (which I would never keep..who are we kidding) I made a visual record of reminders. Some literal, others figurative and left to the imagination. Don't we edit as we go anyway?  

Even as I look forward to big projects, opportunities and collaborations, I'm constantly reminded that it's the quiet details that most inspire me. 

Framed mixed media glass print was a beautiful gift from my dear friend

Lori Vrba

For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.


ahlil gibran

If you find it's quiet here on the blog, join me at the never ending visual party on


 between posts.