Interior and Editorial Prop Styling


Instead of Chalk

And so it begins. The start of the holiday season hustle and bustle. I've installed two homes worth of Christmas in two days and we haven't even carved the Thanksgiving turkey yet.  
And people are camped out in front of Best Buy? For what? 
We're not hosting Thanksgiving so my dining room won't see any action this week. I did create a little Thanksgiving installation just for fun. I get a lot of mileage out of this big chalkboard. If you have one and want to try something that doesn't involve chalk, here's what I put together from our Thanksgiving nature collection using the chalkboard as the background to build on. 

String, twine, wire and a big folding measuring stick were the starting point. 

 A magnifying glass makes it interactive and fun to see leaves and feathers up close. My boys have enjoyed this.

I will forever love a turkey hand. I made these with my boys years ago and we pull them out every year.  They're made out of dried beans. I remember the day we made them together. Special memories like this are what I'm so thankful for. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving and the opportunity to  make special memories with your special people.